Students today need to be networked in order to be able to function properly in today's society as well as school. So many different types of networking sites allow students to stay connected with others around town, state, country, and even the world. Socially networking sites, blogs, podcasts, and image sites allow students to develop a better understanding of what it means to be "networked". Networking means that students are able to gather information from numerous sources and a variety of sources. Students that are networked have the ability to be more knowledgeable than students who are not networked. Also, by being a "networked" student, students create relationships with others and therefore, students are learning how to interact with others, different ideas, and different resources.

Being a "networked" student is important. There are many ways to be networked, but some include knowing how to utilize text, images, audio, and videos.

How Still Picture Image can be Educational and Entertaining in our every day lives, by NICKY JITTAN

I must admit, before signing up for EDM 310, I really thought to myself I had enough computer skills to get by. Boy, was I WRONG! As I turned the pages of my Blog Topic Part 1 sheets, an overwhelming feeling came over me. This was a new awakening for me. At that moment, I made the decision that if I continue to pursue my degree in teaching the kids of our FUTURE, I too must have an open mind when it comes to learning new things. At that moment, I realized that I needed to become more TECHNOLOGICALLY LITERATE in order to be successful teacher in the future.

After just a few short weeks in class, I learned how to: CREATE A BLOG, post to my blog, add links and images to my blog and many more interesting aspects of my blog. I also learned how to effectively use POD CAST, how to TWEET my day away on TWITTER, how to socialize through SKY PE, how to use YOUTUBE for educational purposes and most of all, HOW TO BE MORE TECHNOLOGICALLY LITERATE, by FORCE! :-)

By maintaining an open mind through the semester, I learned that Google can be used for more than just looking up different topics to learn about. With the guidance of a very helpful teacher, I learned how to create a presentation "ALL ABOUT ME" with GOOGLE DOCS, which I displayed still images of different topics I shared with my class. This assignment can definitely be an ICE BREAKER in the classroom.
(click here to view ALL ABOUT ME) Students are able to share something personal about themselves and their families. The still images can be helpful to the viewers for a better understanding of what the speaker is describing.

Another way I use still pictures is on my BLOG TOPICS. I added a still picture pertaining to the topic or simply, my feelings toward the topic. The images added a little more spice to the blog vs. text only. (click on the link to my BLOG)

Lastly, I recently learned that GOOGLE EARTH, is one of the most unique and interesting sites to view images. Google Earth allows the viewer to EXPLORE the Moon, take a virtual tour of Mars in 3D, View Historical Imagery, Explore the Ocean, you could even Record your tour, Check out the World in 3D, Explore the sky, Find local business, and would you believe? You can even FLY TO ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD. Google Earth can be a great way for your students to interact with each other, and even interact with the world. Google Earth is a fun tool with a learning capability unlimited to the viewer. It is a fun way for just about anyone of all ages to explore their curiosity! (click here to view GOOGLE EARTH)

How Can Podcasts Be Helpful To Students? by: Shaneise Taite

When I begin EDM310 I knew what a podcast was but I was never interested in finding out how it worked. As I started to become familiar with Podcast I began to see the potential in how Podcast could be very useful in the classroom. There are a variety of different topics discussed in Podcast but I focused on educational Podcast because education is the career in which I am trying to pursue.
To find these educational podcast I searched through iTunes. iTunes is a very popular site that many people visit to listen and download music . When I pulled up iTunes I went to Podcast, which is located at the very top of the page, then I selected Education and then K-12. There were several topics that are available for educational purposes.
Podcast can improve students learning. They can be played on any Mac, PC, iPod, or iPhone. So anywhere a students is at (car, bus, or school) there is an opportunity to learn. When students know that their lectures can be available to them as podcast they can focus more on what's being discussed in class and be more engaged.
Below I have posted a link to an iTunes Podcast that is great for children who are learning how to read. The name of the Podcast is Hooked on Phonics. This particular Podcast focuses on teaching children how to become familiar with Rhyming words. This would be a really great way for children to learn because it also has music and pictures. Enjoy!!!!

How to Connect your students! by Angel Padgett

The internet is changing our ways of communicating, staying connected, as well as Learning! We as Future Teachers are going to have to become more innovative in our classrooms to keep up with a changing population of students. The days of hanging out for hours at the Library ARE OVER!!! Students today are Twitting, Facebooking, MySpacing, WikiSpacing, Goggle-ing, Blogging, and much more to form opinions, search for knowledge, find themselves. How do we help these students then, to build on the world they find themselves in? We as teachers need to "Lead the Way" that’s a teachers JOB. We have to teach them how to use the resources usefully and responsibly. No longer can we harp on Plagiarizing, but rather teach students that the pereferra of knowledge out there is a building block to start with, but not their final product. Use the information, cite it, build on it, and make it your own!

WIKI is one way we can connect our ideas and edit, discuss or build on others Ideas!
Use Wiki to Connect and Collaborate
Wiki Spaces is one of the many ways the internet has made collaboration easier for studnets and teachers.

You can use Blogs for so many things. Students can use a blog for a presentation, as you see we are doing here, collaborating in their own spaces but making this into one collective Presentation! Wow! I wish I could have used this when I was in School! Students can have Blogs for personal, friendships, family or even professional relationships, or they can be used for Educational Purposes as well. The possiblities are really endless!
Blog Sites assist in new Communication

Social Networking has a bit of a double-edges sword stimata attached to it. Students are connecting with the world, but, parents are concerned about this mode of communicating being a doorway for those with evil intent. Teachers again, need to teach responsiblity, protection applications, reasons for needing these protection walls, as well as the positive aspects of social networking. Teach students the cause and the affect and they will understand more clearly the risk. Neverless, from a classroom application standpoint, Social Networking sites could be a great place for students to research in a way never before available. What a great opinion poll for students to base their arguments on.
Social Sites assist in Staying Connected

Lastly, but of course not to say the least, is the Real Time Tool of Twitter! This is a great way to use technology to find easy answers in Real Time. Ask a question and see if you don't have 10 twitts within minutes with plausible answers. This is a great tool for teachers looking for quick lesson plan ideas, or students interested in a topic and they don't know how to search it.
Quick Time Comments with Twitter

All in all, I can understand the hesitance on some adults part to become techno-connecto!! However, Technology is the way our society is funcitioning and I don't see that that is going to change anytime soon! We are not on Leave it to Beaver, but have left the 50's and are full speed ahead to the Jetsons! Let's help our students understand the significance of research and the amazing asset the internet is to the quest. Just look at Delicious and see how quickly innovation is taking educational possiblities to the next level! I can research and also see everyone's research at the same time!De.Li.Cious This is really Awesome!

Students are ALREADY connected far more than many adults, therefore we must teach them how to question authenticity of material and relationships on the web. We must help them search and question ways of using and utilizing technology to encourage their time management skills, as well as incorporate ideas and collaborate ideas, which will only build their confidence and awareness. Teaching technology really is not an option for teachers who will be in a classroom. Rather learning how to teach technology based skills in regard to your subject area, is the key. Teach students how best to navigate, collaborate, and innitiate tools of the web and you have taught the connected student a life lesson they must possess while giving them a voice!!!
Ander Says it all in his blog!

Networked through Videos by Allison Benton

In today's society, students in general are far more advanced in technology than generations before. Technology has become so far advanced that almost all students are considered "networked" without even knowing it.

Being a "networked student" means that students are capable of being able to network with others using different forms of media. Some forms of media include videos, podcasts, blogs, social sites, and images.

Networking through the use of video is very essential and helpful. Being a networked student means knowing how to use videos for educational purposes. Many educational videos can be found at sites such as YouTube, iTunes, blogs, etc.

YouTube offers many different topics in video form. Because YouTube can be open to the public, there are not always such great videos for students. However, teachers and students can filter some of the not so great videos out and focus on educational videos, such as Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture", which can be found here: If a student or teacher did not previously know what to look up, then they could access the "Search" box and type in educational videos, or click "Videos" and then click "Education". By using resources such as, teachers can connect students with other teachers, students, and people in general, therefore allowing the students to be "networked".

Another resource available to both teachers and students is iTunes. Although, iTunes is primarily for songs, there can be videos found under iTunes U and Podcasts for videocasts. iTunes offers both college level and K-12 level educational videos of specific subjects and topics. iTunes is popular among the younger generation already; why not teach students to be "networked" through a program that most of them are already familiar with? iTunes can be found by simply downloading the application to a computer. An example of learning Spanish through the use of iTunes and videocasts can be found be clicking here:

Another great resource for the "networked" student to be able to view videos is the blog. Many people create blogs and post videos on them. Blogs are a way of being networked with many people by following different people's blogs. Many teachers and students have blogs as part of their education routine. blogs can allow students to post their work for the world to see and review. Blogs can also allow students to watch and learn from videos versus the traditional movie on a television. An example of an educational video can be found at this blog,

Videos are just one way for a student to be networked. Videos allow students to watch and see different topics versus just reading or hearing about them. There are many different ways for students and teachers to watch videos and be networked, but YouTube, iTunes, and blogs are just three different, popular examples.

This Blog IS an Example of Connecting Students!

This blog was completed by four different students in their homes, this is the prime example of connecting students! Each one of us, along with skills and information learned in EDM 310 have collaborated to complete this presentation to better inform our peers as well as ourselves, of how we all will more sufficiently help our students create their PLN(personal learning networks), real time collaborate in this high tech world, navigate the Internet making sound judgements on what is unique and good as a source and what is garbage, and of course all of this in the name of Education!

We each had our own style to add to this presentation and did it in our own time, yet, the presentation is the better for it! By allowing students the knowledge needed to both utilize technology proficiently and organize their thoughts while communicating with fellow students, peers, mentors, etc, we are in fact Connecting our students to the World of Learning!